Jeruzalem je naselje v Občini Ljutomer.

Jeruzalem je razpotegnjena vinorodna vasica s središčem na grebenu okoli cerkve Žalostne Matere božje iz leta 1652, ki leži v »Ljutomersko-Ormoških goricah« ob sotočju Drave in Mure. Od Ljutomera, s katerim ga povezuje vinska cesta, je oddaljena 7 km in leži na nadmorski višini 341 m.

Zgodovina Jeruzalema sega daleč v preteklost. Tu so se prvi ustavili Rimljani, ki so v te kraje prinesli vinsko trto, kasneje so prihajali križarji in romarji, ki so se vračali s poti v Sveto deželo. V začetku 13. stoletja je Friderik Ptujski podaril ozemlje okoli velike nedelje z Jeruzalemom križarskim vitezom. Skrbeli so za duhovni in kulturni razvoj domačinov ter jih učili tudi vinogradništva. Ne nazadnje so tu pustošili Turki, ki so se vračali z osvajanj na zahodu. Leta 1664 so hrabre Prlešanke premagale turško četo, ki se je iz bitke pri Monoštru vračala prek Jeruzalema. O tem še danes priča domače ime Babji klanec. V novejši zgodovini je znan po ustanovitvi vinogradniške zadruge.

V višjih predelih so zaradi izredno ugodne lege in zelo ugodnih podnebnih razmer terasasti vinogradi, pod njimi so večinoma nasadi jablan in nekaj gozda.

Jeruzalem je ena najpomembnejših turističnih točk. Ob Marijini cerkvi je nekoč stal Fischerauerjev dvorec, ki je leta 1907 pogorel, zdaj pa stoji dvorec, v katerem je gostišče s 300 let staro obokano kletjo, ob njem pa bogat arboretum z eksoti, drevesi, grmovnicami in trajnicami. Ob cesti med Jeruzalemom in Malim Brebrovnikom stoji pravi kostanj izjemnih razsežnosti, znan tudi kot turški kostanj, naravna vrednota državnega pomena.

Jeruzalem is a settlement in the Ljutomer Municipality.

Jeruzalem is a sprawling wine-growing village centered on the ridge around the Church of the Sorrowful Mother of God from 1652, located in the “Ljutomersko-Ormoška gorice” at the confluence of the Drava and Mura rivers. It is 7 km away from Ljutomer, with which it is connected by a wine road, and lies at an altitude of 341 m above sea level.

The history of Jeruzalem goes back a long way. The Romans were the first to stop here, bringing the vine to these places, later came the crusaders and pilgrims returning from their journeys to the Holy Land. At the beginning of the 13th century, Frederick of Ptuj donated the territory around Great Sunday with Jeruzalem to the Knights of the Crusaders. They took care of the spiritual and cultural development of the locals and also taught them viticulture. Last but not least, the Turks, who were returning from conquests in the west, ravaged here. In 1664, the brave women of Prleš defeated a Turkish company returning from the Battle of Monošter via Jeruzalem. The local name “Babji Klanec” testifies to this even now. In recent history, he is known for founding a wine cooperative.

In the higher areas, due to the extremely favorable location and very favorable climatic conditions, there are terraced vineyards, below them are mostly apple orchards and some forest.

Jeruzalem is one of the most important tourist spots. Next to St. Mary’s Church, there used to be Fischerauer’s mansion, which burned down in 1907, but now there is a mansion in which there is a guest house with a 300-year-old vaulted cellar, and next to it a rich arboretum with exotics, trees, shrubs and perennials. Along the road between Jerusalem and Mali Brebrovnik stands a real chestnut tree of exceptional dimensions, also known as the Turkish chestnut, a natural value of national importance