Sibon Wine & SPA Resort
Sibon Wine & SPA Resort

Ogledi okolice_en

2024-01-29T08:45:18+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

It's always happy here. Surrender to the atmosphere of cheerful Pomurci. Ptuj / 30 min Ptuj is an old city of new experiences. The castle above the city of the oldest wine cellars overlooks the streets with one of the most colorful carnivals in the [...]

Wine tasting

2024-09-09T08:00:10+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Wine tasting Among the many things that Pomurje-Prlekija is famous for,  tours with wine tasting  certainly have a special place  . Wine production varies greatly from zone to zone, giving life to a multitude of different flavors and aromas. Because of this, we truly believe that Pomurje-Prlekija has a wine for everyone, but if [...]

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